Home News Switzerland: four members of a French family died after falling from a...

Switzerland: four members of a French family died after falling from a balcony


Four French nationals from the same family died on Thursday after falling from the 7th floor from the balcony of their apartment in Montreux, Switzerland, in still mysterious circumstances, police said.

A fifth family member was hospitalized. The reasons for this tragedy are not yet known, but according to the first elements of the investigation, gendarmes went to the site, provided with a “warrant to bring issued by the prefecture in connection with the home schooling of ‘a child’, which concerned the father of the family.

Two gendarmes would then have come to the home and would have had a response from one of the occupants of the apartment, asking them who they were.

“They couldn’t get into the apartment. And it was obviously at that moment that the decision was made by this family to jump from the balcony from the 7th floor, ”said the spokesperson for the Vaud cantonal police, Jean-Christophe Sauterel, on the radio. public Swiss RTS. This Thursday, March 24 around 7 a.m., three adults and two children were found, dead or seriously injured, at the bottom of a building facing the Casino de Montreux.

Unable to gain access to this dwelling located on the 7th floor of the building, the two gendarmes would have left, before being warned by a witness who explained to them that he had seen people fall from the balcony.

According to the Swiss police, these people would be the father, his 41-year-old wife, her twin sister, as well as the couple’s daughter and son, aged 8 and 15 respectively. The first four are dead, while the son is hospitalized in serious condition.