Home Tech & Gadgets The “deepfake” version Ardisson

The “deepfake” version Ardisson


Lesearcher Seth Dobrin oversees artificial intelligence at IBM. If he is passionate about his field, “which makes it possible to increase the human being”he considers as one of the main dangers of artificial intelligence the deepfakes suffered ». the deepfake ? It is a life-size video manipulation, whose name comes from the contraction of deep learning – deep computer learning – and fake – false -, which can be compared to an animated Photoshop. One of the latest victims was Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, whose fake surrender message was aired on Ukraine 24 after the channel was hacked.

Today, a few images are enough to build these videos: an artificial neural network generates a video by associating itself with a second neural network which evaluates the consistency of the images offered, until the result is the as convincing as possible. This corrective network takes into account here the color of the blood vessels, there, the blinking of the eyes, there again the way of straightening one’s back.

  • Lady Di is also in the cast of the show, for which the Face Retriever tool was developed.
  • Volodymyr Zelensky announcing the surrender of Ukraine: a “deepfake” broadcast on television.
  • OpenAI’s Dalle-E image generator makes illustrations from words.

Voice reconstruction. Those deepfakes are not necessarily used for malicious purposes. They can thus confer digital immortality on deceased personalities. That’s the ambition of the show The hotel of time carried by Thierry Ardisson, and which, from May 2, aims to revive on France 3 several artists such as Dalida, Coluche or Jean Gabin. To achieve this result, the Parisian special effects company Mac Guff carried out, with the Mediawan production group, a gigantic documentary work to develop a digital mask. This dresses the face of the actor or actress, who, in return, adopts the body language of the imitated person. Add to that a work of vocal reconstruction, carried out thanks to a collaboration with Ircam, which allows the dynamic articulation of an existing voice. ” The deepfake is a tool that can be used for better or for worse. It’s like a hammer, you can use it to smash a head like a nail.” explains Thierry Ardisson, who imagines using Face Retriever, the tool developed for this occasion, for educational purposes.

Also to follow, the Dalle-E image generator, developed by the San Francisco artificial intelligence company OpenAI, which, by creating visuals from simple text, will make it even easier to create deepfakes. If, in addition, artificial intelligence is capable of imagination…§

Screenshot The Telegraph (YouTube) – 3 è Oeil Productions & Ardimages (x2) – Screenshot 3 è Oeil Productions & Ardimages